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ISBN: 9781921888632
Dimensions: 20.3x13.3cm
Pages: 116
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Written by Tracy Ryan


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**Available exclusively from the Fremantle Press website**

Unearthed is a collection of elegies for dead friends and a tribute to Ryan’s embattled but joyous life on a bush block. In a long sequence addressed to her Swiss-German first husband, Ryan delves into unresolved grief and the ambivalent feelings that remain after severing intense relationships. Unearthed is Tracy Ryan’s seventh full-length collection. According to Geoff Page, this is ‘the poet at her mature and forensic best’.


‘The dead – or the living – require the respect of our attention as does this humane and remarkable book.’ Cordite Poetry Review

‘… ineffably moving but also often witty and celebratory.’ The West Australian

‘Tracy Ryan’s Unearthed offers a sequence of poignant elegiac poems …’ Weekend Australian

‘Once again Ryan reveals herself as poet with both a clear sense of tradition – and a contemporary understanding of Ezra Pound’s old injunction to “Make it new!”’ Geoff Page

‘An achievement of the highest order from one of Australia’s most gifted poets.’ Marion M Campbell

‘An astonishing work; nothing less than a poetry of life and death.’ David McCooey

‘Ryan’s moving and profound work suggests as William Faulkner famously observed “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” Four stars.’ Books+Publishing



Western Australian Premier’s Book Award (Shortlisted 2014)

Pages: 116
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781921888632
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Tracy Ryan

Tracy Ryan was born and grew up in Western Australia. She has worked at various jobs in libraries, bookselling, editing, community journalism and university teaching and is the author of twelve books of poetry and three novels. She has a BA in English from Curtin University and a BA (Hons) in French from the University […]