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ISBN: 9781760993412
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 96
Publication year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Wongutha Tales

Written by May O’Brien (d.2020)

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Four wonderful traditional teaching stories of the Wongutha people, plus May O’Brien’s stories about her early life as a Mission child, are collected here for a new generation of junior readers.

First published as individual titles in 1992, May O’Brien’s stories were ground-breaking publications, presenting traditional Indigenous stories in a bilingual text and giving a unique insight into learning English as a second language from a First Nations perspective. The stories are still as fresh and appealing as ever, and May’s simple pronunciation guide for Wongutha words are perfect learning activities for the classroom.


‘A beautiful anthology imparting valuable life lessons through the Wongutha peoples’ Dreamtime stories … The language is clear and easy to read while being impactful in sharing another perspective of Australian history.’ Good Reading

‘These are delightful stories … and most useful in a class where Aboriginal understandings is being discussed.’ ReadPlus

‘… a fantastic tool to be used in a classroom.’ Pedals

‘Featuring a Wongutha pronunciation guide, this collection is a wonderful addition to any home or library, and a fitting tribute to an extraordinary children’s storyteller.’ Readings

Pages: 96
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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May O’Brien (d.2020)

May O’Brien was born in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, and at the age of five, was taken to Mount Margaret Mission where she spent the next twelve years. She taught in Western Australian rural and metropolitan primary schools for twenty-five years. May served in a number of other positions before being appointed Superintendent […]