Jesse Galea (they/he) is a transmasc writer living and creating in Boorloo. They’re a future librarian and spreadsheet enthusiast who has recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Curtin University. When he’s not writing, he can be found cycling through several crafty hobbies (most recently, bookbinding) or unashamedly listening to Midwest emo. As a teenager, he didn’t have access to LGBTQIA+ YA and so didn’t know these stories existed. Since discovering them in adulthood and devouring as many as he could get his hands on (something they’ve never stopped doing), he’s proud to be able to add his voice to the ever-growing sea of LGBTQIA+ YA writers. Their writing has appeared in Pulch Mag, #EnbyLife, and just femme & dandy, among others.