Martin Ingle is a writer, filmmaker, actor and obsessive-compulsive worrywart who lives and works on Yuggera land. His work spans all things documentary, fiction, theatre and mental health. His comedy-drama series Disorderly was developed through Screen Queensland in 2018 and among other gongs was an international finalist for the prestigious ScreenCraft Fellowship. Suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder to varying degrees of severity for many years, he is a fierce mental health advocate, featuring in the OCD episode of the ABC’s You Can’t Ask That in 2021, and playing the lead role (opposite a plush toy dinosaur) in the Screen Australia–developed series about OCD, Plushed. He’s a contributor to mental health anthology Admissions, published by Upswell Publishing in 2022, and his other writing has been published in The Guardian, ABC News Online, The Chaser and The Shovel.