Nadia Rhook

Nadia Rhook

Nadia Rhook is a non-Indigenous poet, historian, educator, and mother, born in Naarm / Melbourne and currently living in Boorloo / Perth. She has a PhD in History from La Trobe University and is passionate about embodied ways of connecting with the past-present. She has designed and delivered public walking tours and heritage exhibitions, and performed poetry in venues across Naarm and Boorloo. Her poetry is placed in various journals and anthologies, including Peril Magazine, Cordite, Mascara Literary Review, Westerly, Portside Review, What We Carry: poetry on childbearing (Recent Work Press), and Best of Australian Poems 2022 (Australian Poetry Journal). Nadia is the author of two poetry collections: boots (UWA Publishing, 2020), and Second Fleet Baby, released by Fremantle Press in 2022.

Books from this author

Second Fleet Baby