Born in 1894, and first sent to work at the age of eight, Facey lived the rough frontier life of a labourer and farmer and jackaroo, becoming lost and then rescued by Indigenous trackers, then gaining a hard-won literacy, surviving Gallipoli, raising a family through the Depression, losing a son in the Second World War, and meeting his beloved Evelyn with whom he shared nearly sixty years of marriage.
Despite enduring unimaginable hardships, Facey always saw his life as a fortunate one.
A true classic of Australian literature, Facey’s simply penned story offers a unique window onto the history of Australian life through the greater part of the twentieth century – the extraordinary journey of an ordinary man.
To celebrate over forty years of publishing, Fremantle Press presents the TREASURES series. These special editions of much-loved Australian stories will be a treasure for those who know them and a treat for new readers.
Banjo Award for Australian Literature, (Winner 1981)
NSW State Literary Award, (Winner 1981)
Douglas Stewart Prize (Winner, 1981)