Noongar pronunciation guide

I’m Jayden Boundry and I’m a Wadjak Balardong Noongar and a Badimaya Yamatji. I’m a Noongar language teacher and cultural consultant, didgeridoo player, traditional dancer and storyteller with Ngalak Nidja. I’m also the author of Noongar Boodja Waangkan: First Noongar Words with Wardandi Noongar and Ait Koedhal multidisciplinary artist Tyrown Waigana.
Noongar is the language of the Aboriginal people of the south-west of Western Australia. Originally an oral language with regional dialects, its written form has been variable. The book Noongar Boodja Waangkan is based on the Marribank orthography.
Let's get talking on Noongar Country.
To hear how I pronounce each word, click on the chapter header below and press play while reading the relevant page from the book Noongar Boodja Waangkan.