Amra Pajalic

Amra Pajalic is an award-winning author, an editor and a teacher. Her debut novel The Good Daughter (Text Publishing, 2009) won the 2009 Melbourne Prize for Literature’s Civic Choice Award, and was also shortlisted in the Victorian Premier’s Awards for Best Unpublished Manuscript by an Emerging Writer. She is also the author of a novel […]

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Maria Papas

Maria Papas is a West Australian writer whose fiction, creative non-fiction and academic essays have appeared in various journals including TEXT, Griffith Review, Axon and The Letters Page. She holds a PhD from the University of Western Australia where she researched the ways people share narratives of illness and trauma. In 2020, the creative component […]

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Danny Parker

Danny Parker has been an actor, a nurse, an undertaker and a drama teacher. The youngest of six children, Danny grew up with a family competing for airtime at the dinner table. His memories of the stories told and the laughter ringing out as one sibling or another held court surely influenced his own desire […]

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Chris Pash OAM

Chris Pash’s book The Last Whale grew from his experiences as a cadet reporter at the Albany Advertiser in WA’s south in the 1970s. He later was a foreign correspondent, bureau chief and editor before falling into the business side of news in the mid 1990s and establishing a successful Asia joint venture company. Between […]

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W.J. Peasley (d.2020)

W.J. Peasley was born in the central west of New South Wales and spent his boyhood on his father’s farm. While working as a flying doctor in Western Australia he developed a strong interest in Indigenous history. He passed away on 2 January 2020.

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Joanna Penglase

Joanna Penglase is the co-founder of Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN) the national support and advocacy body for care survivors which was instrumental in establishing the Senate Inquiry into Children in Institutional Care. In 2007 she was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for her work as an advocate for care survivors and she continues […]

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Margaret Pieroni

Margaret Pieroni is a Western Australian artist and botanist.

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Marcella Polain

Dr Marcella Polain was born in Singapore and immigrated to Perth when she was two years old, with her Armenian mother and Irish father. She has a background in theatre and screen writing, and has lectured in the Writing program at Edith Cowan University. She was founding WA editor for the national poetry journal Blue […]

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Neil Porter

With a broad background in technology, psychology and law, Neil Porter brings a unique blend of skills and expertise to his role as founding member and co-chair of the National Australian Positive Schools Initiative. Neil has been instrumental in ensuring the Positive Schools conferences continually highlight the most important ideas and strategies in Positive Education […]

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Antonella Preto

Antonella was born in Western Australia to Italian migrant parents. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a major in Literature Language and Culture and a minor in Film and Television. Over the years she has worked on numerous film, music and writing projects. Professionally she has worked as a technical writer, trainer, […]

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David Price

David Price is a Western Australian educator and writer who grew up in the small northwest town of Carnarvon. His first book, Dark Tales from the Long River, was published by Fremantle Press in 2020 and explored some lesser-known and sadder historical events of the Gascoyne and Murchison Regions. Now living in Perth, David continues to be […]

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Alice Pung

Alice Pung is the award-winning author of Unpolished Gem, Her Father’s Daughter and Laurinda, and the editor of Growing Up Asian in Australia and My First Lesson. Her latest book is On John Marsden: Writers on Writers, and she is an Ambassador of Room to Read, the 100 Story Building and the Les Twentyman Foundation.

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