Fremantle Press titles debut on Amazon’s Kindle Store

An agreement with Amazon Kindle (International) will see selected Fremantle Press titles selling as Kindle ebooks.

Fremantle Press launched their Kindle list in time for the Perth Writers Festival, starting with What is left over, after by Natasha Lester and Spinner by Ron Elliott.

Natasha Lester said she’s excited to see What is left over, after available to lots of new readers as a Kindle edition.

“Even though I’m a person who loves the physical presence of a book on my bedside table, I know not everyone is like me and who knows, I might even end up checking out the Kindle myself now!” said Lester.

Amazon Kindle is the first in a line of global ebook vendors the Press will soon be distributing through. Emerging Arts Professional Kiri Falls, who helped negotiate the deal, said the Press was pleased to offer their books on another international platform.

“The Press’ ebooks program has kept pace with the market for some years, and in recent months has expanded rapidly,” said Falls.

Amazon now sells more Kindle ebooks than print books, and the Kindle eReader is one of the top sellers across the world.

What is left over, after by Natasha Lester (Kindle edition) is available here Spinner by Ron Elliott (Kindle edition) is available here.

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