Clive’s Corner

The latest news from the Fremantle Press Sales, Rights and Distribution Manager, Clive Newman
One of our best-selling fiction titles of recent years has been Craig Silvey’s debut novel, Rhubarb, which remains a steady seller alongside his blockbuster Jasper Jones.
Fremantle Press has just signed a contract for a Turkish language edition and we can’t wait to see how the word ‘rhubarb’ translates into Turkish.
An Australian producer has also optioned the screen rights for Rhubarb, with work on the project currently in the early development phase. It just remains to be seen whether or not the search for Warren the Labrador will be as exhaustive as the search for Red Dog!
Followers of ‘Clive’s Corner’ (which I like to call ‘Clive’s Cornered’) may recall my recent trip to the Taipei International Book Exhibition as part of the Australian Publishers Association delegation. As a result of that trip and working in conjunction with the Taiwan office of Austrade we have negotiated an agreement with a Taiwan-based company, eCrowMedia, to distribute English language ebook editions into their market. The first titles released will be selected from fiction for children and young adults. Watch this space for more information as this exciting new project develops.