Kinsella nabs a Prime Minister’s award

Congratulations to WA poet John Kinsella who won the Prime Minister’s Award for poetry last night.
Kinsella, who has published more than 30 books (20 with Fremantle Press), won the award for his poetry collection Jam Tree Gully.
In 2013 the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards were shortlisted and awarded across six categories. The other winners were Michelle de Kretser for Questions of Travel (fiction), Libby Gleeson for Red (children’s), George Megalogenis for The Australian Moment (non-fiction), Ross McMullin for Farewell, dear people (history) and Bruce Pascoe for Fog a Dox (YA).
The Prime Minister’s Literary Awards are Australia’s richest literary prize.
John Kinsella’s next poetry collection with Fremantle Press, Sack, will be published in 2014.