Is Whisky Charlie Foxtrot Australia’s most underrated book?

Whisky Charlie Foxtrot by Annabel Smith was shortlisted for the Most Underrated Book Award (MUBA) today.
Smith said she was thrilled that Whisky Charlie Foxtrot made the Small Press Network’s annual list.
‘I’m very proud to be considered in the same company as last year’s winner The Cook by Wayne McCauley, which was an overlooked gem,’ said Smith.
‘There are many great small presses in Australia but it’s difficult for their books to compete with books from the larger publishing houses, and I’m glad there’s an award that acknowledges this challenge,’ said Smith.
The Most Underrated Book Award aims to shine a light on some of the outstanding titles that are released by small and independent publishers that, for whatever reason, did not receive their fair dues.
The Small Press Network says the award is specifically timed to capitalise on the Christmas selling period creating a unique opportunity to reignite sales and publicity. ‘Bookselling partner of the 2012 MUBA, Readings, reported a tenfold increase in sales of the full shortlist of titles and national publicity was received for the Award and for the winning title.’
The 2013 MUBA will be announced at the Wheeler Centre as part of the Independent Publishing Conference on Friday 15 November.
Whisky Charlie Foxtrot is available in all good bookstores and online.