WAYRBA shortlist announced

Crashing Down by Kate McCaffrey and The Last Viking Returns by Norman Jorgensen and James Foley are on the shortlist for the 2015 West Australian Young Readers’ Book Awards.
Children’s publisher Cate Sutherland said books were chosen from any work of fiction currently in print and published within the past five years.
Books on the list are nominated by young people, through their libraries. Young readers are asked to evaluate works of fiction as ‘terrific’, ‘good’, ‘okay’ or ‘awful’.
‘We love the fact that local kids are enjoying Western Australian stories enough to vote for them – that’s what it’s all about!’ said Sutherland.
Norman Jorgensen said it was an honour to be shortlisted.
‘Of all the awards you could possibly be on the shortlist for, this is the best – it means you’re actually getting through to the people you write for,’ said Jorgensen.
For more information on how to participate check out the website http://wayrba.org.au.