An Australian Viking in Seattle

Popular children’s book The Last Viking will be read at the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, Washington, this November as part of a Nordic Stories series.
The series is a reading initiative aimed at pre-school children and their parents. Featuring children’s stories from Nordic countries (and now Australia), the program incorporates literacy activities and craft projects designed to educate and inspire.
Illustrator James Foley said it was amazing to think The Last Viking would be read all the way over in Seattle.
‘We don’t know how our book got over there: we’re assuming it travelled by longship like any self-respecting Viking would. We hope the Seattle kids love the book and take on the message of being brave like Vikings,’ said Foley.
With a Nordic knitting cafe, an annual Viking run and LEGO workshops, this is a fun program kids won’t want to miss. Next time you’re in Seattle, check out the Nordic Heritage Museum.
More information about The Last Viking by Norman Jorgensen and James Foley, plus teaching notes and colouring-in sheets, are available here. Fremantle Press books are distributed in Seattle and the rest of the USA by the Independent Publishing Group.