Play School to broadcast We All Sleep

We All Sleep by Ezekiel Kwaymullina will be read aloud on a new episode of Play School for ABC Children’s TV to air later this year.
Illustrated by acclaimed Indigenous artist and writer Sally Morgan, We All Sleep takes readers on a journey through a day, celebrating the interconnectedness of people and animals. It features Aussie animals like kookaburras, galahs, goannas, crocodiles and dingoes and is the perfect book for afternoon nap time. Which favourite Play School presenter will do the honours?
Fremantle Press’s Ten Tiny Things by Meg McKinlay and Kyle Hughes-Odgers has been optioned by WA film producers Natalie Bell (Outside the Lines Pty Ltd) and Ella Wright. We can’t wait to see what they do with this award-winning picture book.
We All Sleep bookmarks and Make Your Own Mobile activity sheets are available from