Korean, Dutch and Spanish rights for Canby book

If you were an author and you found a hole in the front cover of your book – you’d be alarmed rather than excited right? That’s not the case with the wonderful Kelly Canby, who was delighted to find a die cut hole smack bang in the middle of the Korean language edition of her latest book.
Sowonnamu’s edition of The Hole Story also came with its very own bunny. Too cute! The bar has been set and we can’t wait to see what Clavis Books and Tramuntana Editorial do with the Dutch and Spanish language editions.
In other foreign rights news USA publisher Andrew McMeel scooped up the rights to our beautiful new board book I Love Me by Sally Morgan and Ambelin Kwaymullina and the audio rights to Alan Carter’s Marlborough Man, which recently won a Ngaio Marsh Award, have been sold to Wavesound. (Alan will be touring with his latest book Heaven Sent in the lead up to Christmas so keep your eyes peeled for his dates.)
Finally, in what seems like a strange twist, Jay Martin’s book about living in Poland has been sold into Poland. A Polish language edition of Vodka and Apple Juice: Travels of an Undiplomatic Wife in Poland will be published by Bellona in Warszawa. We look forward to finding out what the locals think of Jay’s thoughts on their culture and customs! In the meantime, Jay is over in Canada where she’s about to take part in LitFest Alberta, a non fiction festival. She’ll be at the Memoir Hour alongside Angie Abdou, Carys Cragg, Heather O’Neill and Lindsay Wong on Thursday 11 October. Find out more here.