Women of a Certain Age aims for a hat-trick of independent awards

Women of a Certain Age, Fremantle Press’s much-loved anthology of writing by older women, has been awarded a silver medal in the Nautilus Book Awards 2018, a silver in the IPPYs and has been named a finalist in the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.
The book took the Nautilus accolade in the ‘ageing consciously’ category of the awards alongside two other titles. The awards have over 40 categories ranging from fiction to non-fiction and adult to children’s books.
As if one prize wasn’t enough, Women of a Certain Age has also won silver in the Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPYs) 2019 in the Australia/New Zealand Best Regional Non-Fiction category, and is a finalist in the 2018 Foreword INDIES awards in the Women’s Studies category.
Edited by Susan Laura Sullivan, Jodie Moffat and Maria Scoda, the anthology of memoir and non-fiction writing explores life over the age of 40 for women in Australia. The book features work by Liz Byrski, Mehreen Faruqi, Anne Aly, Jeanine Leane and Sarah Drummond among many others.
Editor Sue Sullivan said, ‘Women of a Certain Age has something for everyone. This book crosses gender, generations and geography, so wide is its appeal and scope, and we’re delighted that the book has been recognised in all of these categories and by such renowned organisations.’
Winners of the Foreword INDIES will be announced on Saturday 15 June, Australian time. Women of a Certain Age was chosen as a finalist from over 2,000 entries across 56 genres.
The Nautilus Book Awards are run each year to celebrate and recognise books that support spiritual growth, high-level wellness, green values and sustainability, and positive social change.
The IPPY Awards are run annually to recognise independent, university, and self-published titles.
Women of a Certain Age, edited by Sue Sullivan, Jodie Moffat and Maria Scoda, is available from all good bookstores and online at www.fremantlepress.com.au.