Why is Marketing Guru Chloe Walton cradling these book babies like a proud mumma? Because they’ve all been shortlisted for awards this month

Twelve Fremantle Press writers have been shortlisted in the 2021 WA Premier’s Book Awards across four categories; three authors have made it onto the Speech Pathology Award Shortlist and two are shortlisted in the Comic Arts Awards of Australia
2021 WA Premier’s Book Awards
In the emerging writers category, the novels Eye of a Rook by Josephine Taylor and Locust Summer by David Allan-Petale, and the poetry collection Vociferate by Emily Sun, made the shortlist. In The Premier’s Prize for Writing for Children, Stellarphant by James Foley and Where do the Stars Go? by Katie Stewart both made the shortlist, alongside Fremantle Press creatives Cristy Burne and Shirley Marr. And all five writers in the running for the $60,000 Writer’s Fellowship have been published by Fremantle Press.
2022 Comic Arts Awards of Australia
Stars in Their Eyes by Jessica Walton and Aśka has been shortlisted for this award, which acknowledges excellence in Australian comic art and publishing.
2022 Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awards
The Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year Awardsaim to promote children’s books as literacy tools, as well as raise awareness of the role of speech pathologists play in helping children develop language and literacy skills. Helen Milroy’s books have been on the shortlist for the past three years running, so hopefully Backyard Bugs is in with a chance. She’s shortlisted alongside Sally Morgan, who is also on the list in the birth to three-year-old category. Stellarphant by James Foley is no stranger to award shortlists this year, and we’re not surprised this book is reaching for the stars in the three to five-year-old category. The winners will be announced on Thursday 27 October 2022.
All of the shortlisted books are available in good bookstores and online.