Fremantle Press commences its reconciliation journey – Chloe Walton shares our commitment to inclusion

Fremantle Press commenced its reconciliation journey in August with a formal Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. Over the last six months, I have been working with fellow RAP Working Group member Kirsty Horton and Reconciliation Australia to build the framework of our first action plan. Designed to enable our organisation to sustainably and strategically take meaningful steps toward reconciliation, the plan is a significant step forward.
The idea of creating a RAP was initiated by CEO Jane Fraser and quickly embraced by the entire Fremantle Press board of management and staff, as we all saw it as an opportunity to strengthen our commitment to include and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories, voices and creators.
Working together over several months, Kirsty and I set out to understand the purpose of the plan and what aspects needed consideration, review the plans of other organisations with values similar to ours, and create and revise an action plan with the team. After months of work, we sent it to Reconciliation Australia for endorsement.

As part of the process, and to learn more about the significance of reconciliation, Kirsty and I attended and participated in Reconciliation WA’s RAP Reconciliation Industry Network Group (RING) initiative. The series of three half-day events – hosted by the Chamber of Arts and Culture Western Australia, and run by cultural consultants Carol Innes and Barry McGuire – provided us with opportunities to connect with other WA arts and culture organisations, with the intended aim to collectively work together to create a framework for action-based reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

I’ve enjoyed attending these events as they have allowed me to make connections with other organisations going through a similar process, provided the space to brainstorm ideas of how best to move forward on the path of reconciliation, and offered inspiration by sharing what others in our community are doing as part of their own plans. These sessions highlighted how the reconciliation process needs to be a community effort, as well as an individual one, for significant change to occur.
I’m looking forward to working through our action plan over the next 12 months, as is the rest of the Fremantle Press team, as we reflect on the company’s values and vision, solidify our commitment to reconciliation into the framework of our operations and grow our partnerships and activities within the community.
Read it!
Learn more about our Reconciliation Action Plan.

Chloe Walton is the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for Fremantle Press. She loves literary fiction and cats, but not in that order.