Three minutes with Commodore Peter Scott on his career with the submarine arm

What does it take to command a submarine? That’s the subject of Running Deep: An Australian Submarine Life

What’s one thing you’d like Australians to understand about the Submarine Arm of the Royal Australian Navy? 

The tremendous value of our submarines as a deterrent, combatant or both, and the resultant positive impact they have on the defence and security of the nation.  

Tell us about the best day you’ve ever had on a submarine. 

Every day at sea in a submarine is a great Navy day. Some of the most memorable were the days we arrived back at our home port: deployment complete, mission accomplished, reunited with family and friends.  
 And what was the worst? 

My last day at sea in a submarine.  

You recently launched the book and have done lots of events, what’s been the reception so far? 

Widely varied, but entirely positive. I am most pleased on hearing submariners say that parts of the book resonate with their own experience, and hearing others say they have learnt something of that world.  

What do commemorative days like Anzac Day and Remembrance Day mean to you, and what do you do on the day? 

This Anzac Day I will deliver the Dawn Service Address at North Bondi RSL. Recounting two stories of submarine floods at sea a century apart, I will speak to reflection, gratitude and honour.  

Running Deep: An Australian Submarine Life is available in all good bookstores and online. 

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