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ISBN: 9781760990800
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 448
Publication year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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My Place

Written by Sally Morgan


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In 1982, Sally Morgan travelled back to her grandmother’s birthplace. What started as a tentative search for information about her family turned into an overwhelming emotional and spiritual pilgrimage. My Place is a moving account of a search for truth into which a whole family is gradually drawn, finally freeing the tongues of the author’s mother and grandmother, allowing them to tell their own stories.


‘A book for everyone: a book with the form and texture of a novel and the complexity and pace of a mystery not solved until the final pages. It is wonderfully entertaining.’ New York Times Book Review

‘A triumphant story that makes you glad it’s been told.’ Times on Sunday

‘Sad and wise and funny … unbelievably and unexpectedly moving, Sally Morgan’s love for her own spiritual and racial roots and her struggle to uncover them reveals a new Australia (the old) and a new way to embrace the elders and the young of all our peoples, wherever (and whoever) they might be. A book with heart.’ Alice Walker, author of The Colour Purple

My Place is an essential read for understanding the complex and often painful history of Australia’s First Nations peoples.’ Australian Women’s Weekly


Order of Australia Book Prize (Winner 1990)
Human Rights Award for Literature (Winner 1987)
New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award (Shortlisted 1987)

Pages: 448
Publication Year: 2021
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781760990800
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Sally Morgan

Sally Morgan was born in Perth, in 1951. She has published books for both adults and children, including her acclaimed autobiography, My Place. She has also established a national reputation as an artist and has works in many private and public collections.