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ISBN: 9781925164107
Dimensions: C Format: 23x15.2cm
Pages: 236
Publication year: 2016
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Old Scores

Written by David Whish-Wilson


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It’s the early 1980s: the heady days of excess, dirty secrets and personal favours. Former Perth detective Frank Swann is still in disgrace, working as a low-rent private investigator. But when he’s offered a security job by the premier’s fixer, it soon becomes clear that someone is bugging the premier’s phone – and it may cost Swann more than his job to find out why.

Old Scores is a fast-paced, entertaining, and suspenseful must-read for fans of Australian crime fiction.


‘In the Frank Swann series, David Whish-Wilson has done for Perth what Peter Temple did for Melbourne with Jack Irish.’ Westerly Magazine

Old Scores is a must read for fans of Australian crime fiction and/or crime fiction in general.’ Just A Guy That Likes To Read

‘As the plot unfolds, Whish-Wilson’s text pulses from the pages at an escalating rate, building tension and suspense as the story hurtles towards its surprising resolution.’ Farm Weekly

‘[Perth] is indeed one of the key characters in the novel, a remote wild-west mirage with more money than sense …’ Australian Book Review

‘Whish-Wilson has again delivered a fast-paced, entertaining and smarter than average crime novel.’ The Weekend Australian

Pages: 236
Publication Year: 2016
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781925164107
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David Whish-Wilson

David Whish-Wilson is the author of ten novels and three creative non-fiction books. He was born in Newcastle, NSW but raised in Singapore, Victoria and Western Australia. At eighteen, he left Australia to live for a decade in Europe, Africa and Asia, where he worked as a barman, actor, streetseller, petty criminal, labourer, exterminator, factory […]