Unlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak+Black Fiction
Edited by
Rafeif IsmailEllen van Neerven
Contributions from
Afeif IsmailAïsha TrambasAlison WhittakerAmbelin KwaymullinaChemutai GlasheenClaire G. ColemanFlora CholGenevieve GrievesJasmin McGaugheyJasper WyldLaniyukLisa FullerMaree McCarthy YoeluMeleika Gesa-FatafehiMerryana SalemMykaela SaundersSisonke MsimangTuesday AtzingerYirga Gelaw WoldeyesZena CumpstonSterling James Minniecon
Unlimited Futures is an anthology of speculative, visionary fiction from 21 emerging and established First Nations writers and Black writers, reflecting visionary pasts, hopeful futures and the invisible ties between First Nations people and Black people.
With works by Tuesday Atzinger, Flora A Chol, Claire G. Coleman, Zena Cumpston, Lisa Fuller, Meleika Gesa-Fatafehi, Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes, Chemutai Glasheen, Genevieve Grieves, Afeif Ismail, Ambelin Kwaymullina, Laniyuk, Maree McCarthy Yoelu, Jasmin McGaughey, Sisonke Msimang, Merryana Salem, Mykaela Saunders, Aïsha Trambas, Alison Whittaker and Jasper Wyld, this is an anthology of the tales they wish had existed when they were growing up in Australia.
‘The stories in Unlimited Futures are warming as much as they are warnings—contending with the reality of our current moment, what our futures may look like, and how we have and will retain our connections to Country, language, culture, and each other through it all.’ Meanjin
‘ … poetic and powerful.’ Books+Publishing
‘Unlimited Futures is bold and unapologetic, weaving the past, present and future together to create something worthy and exciting. It is the perfect showcase of the power of speculative fiction.’ AU Review
‘… innovative, radical and highly imaginative … this is a ground-breaking collection.’ Readings
‘The future builds on the past and in these stories the colonialist past often looms large, infused with trauma, raw with anger, sentimental with sadness, but underlain with the spirituality of Country and the love of humanity that looks to the future with hope and optimism.’ Magpies
‘It is essential reading for everyone …’ Odd Feather
‘… a remarkable collection of futuristic short stories set in another time or space, often dystopian, but which draws strongly on a share respect for Country, the land, water and air of their ancestral spirits.’ ReadPlus
‘Stylistically and thematically as varied as the authors’ diversity, the collection bridges the past and the future with an intriguing mix of unusual, and sometimes arresting, approaches …’ EduTATE
‘As a reader, you are jolted into new technological realities, changed historical timelines and alternate worlds as a means of seeing and questioning our own.’ Kill Your Darlings
‘This book is urgent. It’s filled to the gills with powerful voices. Whatever conversations you are having, they will be improved by visiting these works.’ Lightspeed Magazine
‘This is invigorating writing uninterested in placating its audience’s expectations, leaping across unexpected formats and raising challenging questions.’ Readings
‘The stories in this anthology of speculative fiction by First Nations and Afro-black writers… are the kind that stick with you. I’m still thinking of many of them months after my first reading.’ West Australian
‘One absolutely ground-breaking collection that seems to have flown under the radar is Unlimited Futures… The collection features compelling new work by established authors, in addition to giving space to less published voices.’ Sydney Morning Herald

Rafeif Ismail
Rafeif Ismail is a third culture youth of the Sudanese diaspora. Rafeif sees all forms of art as mediums for change and is committed to creating accessible spaces for young people of marginalised backgrounds in the arts. She is the winner of the 2017 Deborah Cass Prize for writing with the story ‘Almitra Amongst the […]
Ellen van Neerven
Ellen van Neerven is a Yugambeh writer from South East Queensland who now lives in Melbourne. They are the author of the poetry volume Comfort Food (UQP, 2016) and the fiction collection Heat and Light (UQP, 2014), which won numerous awards, including the 2013 David Unaipon Award, the 2015 Dobbie Award and the 2016 NSW […]Explore more from our catalogue
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