Angela Savage is a Melbourne writer, whose debut novel, Behind the Night Bazaar, won the 2004 Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for an unpublished manuscript. All three of her Jayne Keeney PI novels were shortlisted for Ned Kelly Awards, with The Dying Beach also shortlisted for the 2014 Davitt Award. Angela won the 2011 Scarlett Stiletto Award for short crime fiction, and her short stories have appeared in the anthologies including Deadlier: 100 of the Best Crime Stories Written By Women and Crime Scenes. Angela regularly chairs sessions at writers’ festivals and has taught writing in Australia and in the USA. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Monash University, giving her the Bond villain-like name of Doctor Savage. Angela is former CEO of Writers Victoria and currently works as CEO of Public Libraries Victoria. Her most recent novel is Mother of Pearl (2019, Transit Lounge).