Sabrina Hahn

Sabrina comes from a long line of obsessive gardeners. She started landscaping at the age of four: stripping flowers and foliage from her grandmother’s garden and creating fabulous miniature gardens in all her nan’s baking trays. At the age of 22 she found cake tins too limiting and studied horticulture more formally at Bentley TAFE.

Sabrina’s radio career began in Kalgoorlie in 1985 and she has worked in ABC gardening radio ever since. Her work in remote Aboriginal communities in WA’s Kimberley region has been a huge success and helps ensure that the knowledge of bush tucker plants is passed on from one generation to the next.

Books from this author

Sabrina's Little ABC Book of Gardening
Sabrina's Dirty Deeds
Sabrina's Juicy Little Book of Citrus