
Under Corporate Skies by Martin Brueckner and Dyann Ross made the national shortlist for the Blake Dawson Business Literature Prize worth $30,000.

Fremantle Press would like to thank Kiri Falls, Australia Council Emerging Arts Professional, for her hard work during the past two years.

The author of Greater Expectations: Living with Down syndrome in the 21st Century says expectations are fundamental to the way children develop; they shape their future.

In which countries will the Jake series be published? As many as possible! So far it has appeared, or is scheduled to appear, in countries where French is spoken as well as India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam. There’s also been interest from China, Germany, Greece, Philippines and Serbia.

Richard Woldendorp had a long-established reputation as a master-photographer when he proposed a new book of photographs of Western Australia.

Lekkie Hopkins, Elizabeth Jolley and Sally Morgan were amongst 100 inspiring Western Australian women inducted into the inaugural hall of fame for the centenary anniversary of International Women’s Day 2011.

An agreement with Amazon Kindle (International) will see selected Fremantle Press titles selling as Kindle ebooks.

The presentation of the 10th T.A.G. Hungerford Award prompted memories of Tom Hungerford’s involvement with the Press since its establishment in the mid 1970s.

Caterpillar and Butterfly by Ambelin Kwaymullina and My Country by Sally Morgan and Ezekiel Kwaymullina have both been chosen for the ‘Hello from Australia’ Picture Book Exhibition at this year’s Bologna Children’s Book Fair in March 2011.

Debut novelist Alan Carter talks about crime writing and his new book Prime Cut.

The North American edition of Goldie Goldbloom’s novel The Paperbark Shoe won the 2011 GLCA New Writers Award for Fiction in the USA today.

‘A Touch of the Hamptons’ featured on page 73 of From Coast to Country has won Best Residential Garden in the Town of Cambridge’s 15th Annual Garden Awards.

It was a sunny day at Anna Gare’s Fremantle home and the celebrity chef was cooking up a storm. The occasion was the photo shoot of her much anticipated cookbook, to be published by Fremantle Press in 2011.

Over a thousand people packed into the Swan Yacht Club to celebrate the release of Jive, Twist and Stomp: WA rock bands of the 50s and 60s at a special reunion concert on Sunday 28 November.

Next year Fremantle Press turns 35 and, to celebrate, we’re starting a new column. ‘Tales from the backlist’ will delve into the memories of Press ‘lifers’ Clive Newman and Wendy Jenkins.

You’ve heard of love in the afternoon, you’ve heard of love in the elevator and now, at Fremantle Press, we have love in the warehouse.


Rights sales

Romanian language rights for Marcella Polain’s historical novel The Edge of the World were licensed to Ararat s.r.l. this month.

Anyone close to completing that novel, memoir or poetry collection, is reminded that the closing date for unsolicited manuscripts for 2010 is 17 December. Submissions will be welcome again from 21 March 2011.

You’ve seen the concert, you’ve checked out the book, now hear how it all came about.


VALE: Barbara Rose

We would like to extend our condolences to the Facey family who are currently grieving Barbara Rose, A.B. Facey’s daughter.

Slovenian publisher MiS has purchased the rights to Destroying Avalon by Kate McCaffrey while German publisher Araki Verlag will publish a German language edition of True Country by Kim Scott.

Waterwise doesn’t mean brown and dry, maintains Neil Delmage, co-author of From Coast to Country.

Lighthouse Girl by author Dianne Wolfer and illustrator Brian Simmonds was voted most popular picture book in the 2010 Western Australian Young Readers’ Book Awards.

What prompted you to change careers and become a writer? It was partly to do with a coincidence of timing and partly to do with finally being confident enough to pursue a dream.