Helen Milroy presents: Tyrown Waigana on learning the language of the land

The Fremantle Press Podcast
The Fremantle Press Podcast
Helen Milroy presents: Tyrown Waigana on learning the language of the land

Tyrown Waigana joins the podcast to chat to Helen Milroy about the importance of learning the Noongar language and believes his collaborative book with Jayden Boundry, Noongar Boodja Waangkan, could change how we interact as a culture.

Tyrown says, ‘It would be cool if this book influences everyone around here and we start talking Noongar and everyone knows you’re from the South West because you’re speaking Noongar.’ He believes it’s crucial to teach Noongar in schools because it’s the ‘language of this land, it’s ingrained here … When you go to France, you learn French.’

Topics covered

  • Creative process
  • Hitting the brief
  • Setbacks and self-doubt
  • Heritage and culture
  • Tips for creatives
  • Noongar language

Books and other topics mentioned

NAIDOC Poster 2020

Perth Children’s Hospital

Fremantle Arts Centre

Noongar Boodja Waangkan: Noongar First Words

About the host:

Dr Helen Milroy is a descendant of the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. She was born and educated in Perth and has a passionate interest in health and wellbeing, especially for children. She is currently a professor at the University of Western Australia, a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, and Commissioner with the National Mental Health Commission. Her books have been shortlisted for the Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards (2019, 2020), the Readings Children’s Book Prize (2020) and the Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year (2020). And her book, Backyard Birds, won the Whitley Award for the Young Children’s Reader Category (2021).

Backyard Beasties, Backyard Bugs, Backyard Birds and Wombat, Mudlark and Other Stories are available in all good bookstores and online.

About the guest: 

Tyrown Waigana is a Wardandi [AD1] Noongar (south-west Cape Country) and Ait Koedhal (Torres Strait Islander) multi-disciplinary artist and graphic designer. He is the winner of the NAIDOC Perth Artist of the Year (2020) and the NAIDOC Poster (2020).

Ninni Yabini and Noongar Boodja Waangkan are both available in all good bookstores and online.

Original music

Steel Cap Serenadeby Aidan D’Adhemar, © 2021

Sound engineering

Aidan D’Adhemar, Fremantle PA Hire

Produced by

Claire Miller, Fremantle Press Marketing and Communications Manager

This podcast was produced in Walyalup in Wadjuk Boodja, on the lands of the Noongar people.

Books discussed
Backyard Birds
Backyard Bugs
Wombat, Mudlark and Other Stories

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