How to be an Author: Fremantle Press talks with the Australian Society of Authors CEO and company secretary Olivia Lanchester

How to be an author with Olivia Lanchester CEO OF ASA
The Fremantle Press Podcast
How to be an Author: Fremantle Press talks with the Australian Society of Authors CEO and company secretary Olivia Lanchester

Olivia Lanchester, CEO and company secretary of The Australian Society of Authors, joins Claire Miller and Georgia Richter for a chat about the ASA and what writers can gain from being members. Olivia discloses the advocacy work of the ASA being a national body that speaks for authors and talks about the importance of writing groups in connecting established and emerging writers. Editor Rachel Hanson appears as our new Miss Metaphor with the Macquarie Word of the Year for 2021.

Topics discussed:

  • The importance of writing groups for authors
  • Services the ASA offers
  • Recommended rates of pay for authors
  • Why writers should be members of the ASA
  • Tips for new writers
  • The Macquarie Dictionary 2021 word of the year

The How to Be an Author edition of the Fremantle Press podcast is an informal series of chats between publishing industry professionals. Co-hosted by Marketing and Communications Manager Claire Miller and Publisher Georgia Richter, it features regular guest appearances by editors Rachel Hanson, as Miss Metaphor and Kirsty Horton, The Hyphenator and special publishing industry guests and top tips from contributors to the book How to Be an Author: The Business of Being a Writer in Australia.

Show Notes

Extend your podcast

How to Be an Author: The Business of Being a Writer in Australia by Georgia Richter and Deborah Hunn is available in all good bookstores and online. Between its pages you’ll find everything you need to know about the business of being a writer from people who live and breathe books.

Connect with Georgia and many of the contributors to the book and podcast in the Facebook group.


Olivia Lanchestor is the ASA’s CEO and company secretary. Olivia has worked as a senior intellectual property lawyer in private practice and as a freelance editor. Prior to becoming CEO, she ran the ASA’s Contract Assessment Service and has reviewed hundreds of publishing contracts during her time with the ASA.

Organisations discussed

Australian Society of Authors



Books and authors mentioned

Beneath the Trees by Cristy Burne

The Night Village by Zoe Deleuil

The Silence of Water by Sharron Booth

Louise Allan

Original music
Title Music and Miss Metaphor theme by Mo Wilson (copyright 2021)

Sound engineering
Aidan D’Adhemar, Fremantle PA Hire

Claire Miller

Produced by
Claire Miller, Chloe Walton and Jessica Checkland, Fremantle Press Marketing and Communications

This podcast was produced in Walyalup in Whadjuk Boodja, on the lands of the Noongar people.

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