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ISBN: 9781922089229
Dimensions: B Format: 19.8x12.8cm
Pages: 272
Publication year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
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Kayang and Me

Written by Kim ScottHazel Brown (d.2021)


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Award-winning novelist Kim Scott and his elder, Hazel Brown, have created a monumental family history of the Wilomin Noongar people. Kayang and Me is a powerful story of community and belonging, revealing the deep and enduring connections between family, country, culture and history that lie at the heart of Indigenous identity.


‘… in recording Brown’s vivid oral histories and marrying them on the page with his own musings and research, [Scott] has fashioned a new kind of message stick.’ Weekend Australian

‘This book is brilliant. Read it because it is imaginatively conceived and beautifully crafted. And read it because it matters.’ Sydney Morning Herald

‘… Hazel Brown and Kim Scott have managed to reclaim the voice of country from the voice of colonisation and in doing so light a gentle yet powerful path back to self-identity for those lost along the way.’ Koori Mail

‘… an exciting, vigorous and poignant history of an ancient people.’ West Australian

Pages: 272
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: Fremantle Press
ISBN: 9781922089229
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Kim Scott

Kim Scott is a descendant of people living along the south coast of Western Australia prior to colonisation, and is proud to be one among those who call themselves Noongar. He began writing for publication shortly after he became a secondary school teacher of English. True Country, his first novel, was published in 1993. His […]

Hazel Brown (d.2021)

Hazel Brown (b. 1925, d. 2021) was born at Kendenup in the Great Southern. Her mother was Nellie (Sybil) Limestone who married one of the Wirlomin people, Fred (Yiller) Roberts in 1921. Fred (Yiller) died in 1930 and his brother, Wilfred Roberts (Tjinjel) married Sybil and reared up all the children. Hazel was the senior […]