In her latest memoir, Unheard Voices, Dawn Mauldon set out to challenge how voices of displacement, diversity and personal histories influence expectations and outcomes. The author shares her unique and deeply personal perspective on being the child of Deaf parents and what it means to see and communicate in a rich and diverse language world. […]

The Map of William was the unintended outcome of a general curiosity about my own family history. As I became embroiled in the past lives of my forebears, my curiosity soon turned to something else. Not quite an obsession, but close. It became a search for details and evidence—the gathering of little snippets of information […]

Laurie Steed is a writer living and working in the Wadjak region on the traditional lands of the Noongar people. He is the author of You Belong Here and recipient of the 2021 Henry Handel Richardson flagship fellowship. His short story anthology Greater City Shadows was shortlisted for the 2022 Dorothy Hewett Award for an […]

I’ve long been a fan of a series of articles called ‘How I Get It Done’, where impressive people with seemingly unlimited abilities (and resources) detail how they go about their day-to-day lives. Often this involves waking up at times that, until I had a baby, I thought were hypothetical numbers, pure maths proofs. Since […]

When I finished my creative writing degree, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to write again. I had half a collection of short stories that I couldn’t bring myself to finish. Obsessed with the idea of a ‘real’ job, but working a part-time/shitty retail gig, I looked back at university as a fun but largely […]

When I signed my publishing contract with Fremantle Press last year, my partner immediately started joking about resigning from work – to wave celebratory pompoms at my book events and writers’ fests, soothe my perpetually poetically-furrowed brow, and make sure my favourite brand of poetry-inspiring beverage is always close to hand. Show me the money […]

In One Wrong Turn Chenée Marrapodi has made all the right turns (of phrase that is). It’s a great book for middle readers and a wonderful retelling of the traditional ballet story. Told with subtlety and honesty, she replaces the ballet clichés with a realistic portrayal of the grit, determination and teamwork required by our […]

Fremantle Press poet Caitlin Maling, who is on the cusp of releasing Spore or Seed (July 2023), has been awarded the inaugural creative McAuley Fellowship at the University of Tasmania worth $10,000. Caitlin will spend two weeks in Hobart writing and presenting a masterclass for students and an event for the general public. The fellowship […]

True stories in the real world As a publisher and editor, I am an active participant in the creation of books other people will read. The fiction I edit can connect readers to inner words, the non-fiction to the ‘real world’. And some of those stories can be a long time in the making. In […]

Author of The Last Whale, Chris Pash, shares messages of hope from two anti-whaling activists as he marks the return of the Rainbow Warrior to Albany, where she docked ahead of a campaign to sail up the coast of Western Australia to document the wildlife and environment threatened by Woodside Energy’s plans to drill for […]

Michael Thomas celebrated the release of his first novel The Map of William this month – here’s more about it. The Map of William is a classic rite-of-passage novel that follows one young man on his journey of growth and self-discovery. We asked author Michael Thomas to take us behind the scenes of his writing […]

A celebration of baby achievements, Say Hooray is the perfect book to engage the whole family in those special moments of a baby’s early days.

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London Book Fair 2023 Highlights Fremantle Press is proud to present its newest titles from award-winning Western Australian writers – thrilling crime reads, contemporary women’s fiction, literary works from diverse voices, and cracking coming of age and YA stories. New Crime Reads Summer of Blood is the latest page-turning, suspense-filled crime novel from multi-award-winning author, […]