Is plot really the uncool cousin no-one wants to associate with? Should aspiring writers abstain from sex in favour of taking a large dictionary to bed? And how do you transform the experience of grief into the positive act of creation? As host of the 2019 Fremantle Press podcast series, Holden Sheppard gets to grips […]

Meet Me at the Intersection will be launched at the Wheeler Centre on Tuesday 11 September. Edited by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Rebecca Lim, the book is an anthology of young adult writing that brings together a diverse range of short fiction, memoir and poetry by authors who are First Nations, People of Colour, LGBTIQA+ or […]

As Fremantle Press gets ready to publish YA anthology Meet Me at the Intersection, one of the book’s editors, Rebecca Lim, offers six tips for how to reflect diversity in class materials and discussions.