
We’re just one month away from the start of National Novel Writing Month (#NaNoWriMo) where thousands of emerging writers across the world take part in a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel between 1 and 30 November.

If you were an author and you found a hole in the front cover of your book – you’d be alarmed rather than excited right? That’s not the case with the wonderful Kelly Canby, who was delighted to find a die cut hole smack bang in the middle of the Korean language edition of her […]

Read an interview with City of Fremantle T.A.G. Hungerford Award shortlisted writer Julie Sprigg plus an extract from her memoir, Chewing Porridge.

Meet Trish Versteegen, one of the six writers shortlisted for the 2018 City of Fremantle T.A.G. Hungerford Award. Here she chats to Claire Miller about her novel, The Seventh Sister.

Yuot Alaak, Zoe Deleuil, Alan Fyfe, Holden Sheppard, Julie Sprigg and Trish Versteegen are in the running for $12,000 in prize money from the City of Fremantle and a publishing contract with Fremantle Press. The six new Western Australian writers are shortlisted for the 2018 City of Fremantle T.A.G. Hungerford Award.

Meet Me at the Intersection will be launched at the Wheeler Centre on Tuesday 11 September. Edited by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Rebecca Lim, the book is an anthology of young adult writing that brings together a diverse range of short fiction, memoir and poetry by authors who are First Nations, People of Colour, LGBTIQA+ or […]

Alan Carter has won the Ngaio Marsh Award for Best Crime for his latest novel Marlborough Man. A sizeable crowd joined Alan in the atrium of The Piano in Christchurch on Saturday night for readings from each of the shortlisted writers before Denise Mina made the announcement. Kept secret right up to the opening of […]

Friday 21 September marks the International Day of Peace, and at Fremantle Press we’re celebrating by offering 10% off selected titles on our website.

Reading has a reputation for being a solitary pursuit, but it’s also a great conversation starter and book clubs are a fun way to socialise and connect with like-minded people. This International Youth Day, we’re challenging the youth of Australia to start their own YA book clubs, gather some friends or make some new ones […]

As an author with a new manuscript, you may occasionally have the opportunity to pitch your work to a prospective publisher. The chance to do so should be regarded as a bonus opportunity, particularly if a publisher does not ordinarily receive unsolicited material. In this article, Fremantle Press publisher Georgia Richter puts the pitch in […]

The City of Fremantle has enhanced its reputation as a major supporter of the arts by renewing its sponsorship of one of WA’s most prestigious literary awards.

City of Fremantle T.A.G. Hungerford Award winner for 2016 Jay Martin will launch her book Vodka and Apple Juice this Tuesday 4 September at The Local Hotel in South Fremantle.

Hello, I’m James Foley, author of the hugely popular S.Tinker Inc. series of graphic novels for younger readers that includes Brobot, Dungzilla and my new book, Gastronauts.

Fremantle Press author Dianne Wolfer will be starring among the bright lights of Sydney when she appears at the Children’s Book Council of Australia New South Wales Branch 2018 Kids Book of the Year Event.

Fremantle Press publisher Georgia Richter and editor Armelle Davies paid a visit to Spearwood Alternative School on August 1 to present certificates and book vouchers to the winners of the Leanne Coole Young Writers Award.

Meet Me at the Intersection contributor Rafeif Ismail is a Perth-based, emerging Muslim writer who is a refugee from Sudan identifying as queer. She will be on a panel focusing on diversity at the Great Big Book Club Tea Party, an event co-hosted by the City of Melville and Fremantle Press at AH Bracks Library […]

Fremantle Press author Deb Fitzpatrick is a familiar face at many schools and writing workshops in and around Perth.

This term’s freebies are a colourful bunch, with bookmarks, teaching notes and activity sheets available for our new August title for middle readers, Off the Track by Cristy Burne and our upcoming YA anthology Meet Me at the Intersection edited by Rebecca Lim and Ambelin Kwaymullina.

It’s no secret I love science and stories. The two aren’t so very different: they both rely on discovering new things, they both require wonder, and they both rock August, that mega-month when National Science Week and Children’s Book Week unite.

As Fremantle Press gets ready to publish YA anthology Meet Me at the Intersection, one of the book’s editors, Rebecca Lim, offers six tips for how to reflect diversity in class materials and discussions.

If you could have anyone you wanted at your book club meeting, dead or alive, who would you invite? Great Big Book Club Tea Party ambassador Liz Byrski tells us why diversity in reading is vital to understanding one another and who she would invite to her ultimate book club.

Cristy Burne’s new book Off the Track is published today. Here, she explains why social media can be a bad habit, why the great outdoors features heavily in her stories and why rainy-day walks are the best kind of walks.

From scheme water, pipelines and a countryside in the grip of drought and from feminism to parenthood – the water in Tracy Ryan‘s new collection, The Water Bearer, is a many-sided metaphor. In this, our third  Fremantle Press podcast, she talks to Kellie Eighteen, an English and Cultural Studies student at Edith Cowan University, whose home […]

Fremantle Press’s popular children’s titles I Love Me and We All Sleep will be available as board books from 1 August.