
The complete Hal Spacejock series is now available online for less than twenty Australian dollars.

The Last Sky by Alice Nelson is one of six books on this year’s short list for the Barbara Jefferis Award.

The Association for the Blind of WA will make its first commercial foray into audio book publication using Fremantle Press books.

Tell us about Consuming Pleasures Consuming Pleasures is a book about the history and politics of drug use. The broader political issue that it investigates is the rationale for drug prohibition.

Mojo’s Bar in Fremantle will commemorate the ten-year anniversary of Triffids frontman David McComb’s passing at a musical tribute night this Thursday 5 February.

Q&A with Barbara Temperton, poet and author of Southern Edge When did you start writing? Around the age of six, when I finally got hand, pen and paper coordinated: I stole loose-leaf paper from the public toilets at the Port Hedland swimming pool, needle and thread from my mother’s sewing box, and took refuge in […]

Culture and the Arts Minister John Day presented Natasha Lester with the 2008 T.A.G. Hungerford Award for Fiction at a ceremony in Perth last night.

Destroying Avalon, the first Australian novel to tackle the cyber-bullying phenomenon, is one step closer to becoming a film.

Readers in South Korea and Italy will soon be able to enjoy the work of Indigenous authors Sally Morgan, Tjalaminu Mia and Blaze Kwaymullina, among others.

Western Australian author Simon Haynes has been short listed for a national Aurealis award for Hal Spacejock: No Free Lunch (Fremantle Press). Haynes’ story is one of five recognized in the category of best science fiction novel.

Western Australian poet Caroline Caddy has won the 2008 Wesley Michel Wright Prize in Poetry for Esperance (Fremantle Press).

Chris Pash, author of The Last Whale, will return to the English-speaking world’s last whaling station this month for a reunion of ex-whalers to mark the 30-year anniversary of the end of whaling in Australia.

Over 180 people joined author Janda Gooding and members of the Botanical Artists Group for the launch of Brush with Gondwana on Thursday 6 November.

The 2008 Bruce Dawe National Poetry Prize has gone to Fremantle Press writer John Kinsella for his poem Vixerunt.

Western Australian writers; Sally Morgan, May O’Brien, Joan Winch and Lucy Dann, plus ex-Fremantle Docker, Troy Cook, joined forces to launch Indigenous Literacy Day in Western Australia on Wednesday 3rd September.

When did you start writing? At the beginning of the 70s I was painting and yet reading a huge amount of fiction. Somehow as a backthought I wondered if I should write a novel. When I began writing in the mid 70s it seemed that poetry found me instead. It was very disconcerting – what […]

Western Australian Indigenous author, Ambelin Kwaymullina, has been shortlisted for a Queensland Premier’s Literary Award for her children’s book Crow and the Waterhole.

Husband-and-wife poets, John Kinsella and Tracy Ryan, have each been shortlisted for the 35th Age Book of the Year awards, which will be presented at the opening of the Melbourne Writers’ Festival on 22 August 2008.

Hanifa Deen author of Caravanserai will launch her latest release, The Jihad Seminar with Barney Zwartz, Religion Editor for The Age at Melbourne University this Wednesday 6 August.

Arts Minister, Sheila McHale MLA, will launch The Last Sky by Alice Nelson at the New Edition Bookshop on 7 August 2008.

Congratulations to Ambelin Kwaymullina and Sonia Martinez who made the shortlist for the CBCA Crichton Award for New Illustrators. Sonia illustrated The World According to Warren by Craig Silvey and Ambelin illustrated and wrote The Crow and the Waterhole

Congratulations to Simon Haynes author of Hal Spacejock: Just Desserts for winning a 2008 Tin Duck Award from the Western Australian Science Fiction Foundation for best professional long work.

The Edge of the World by Marcella Polain was shortlisted for a Commonwealth Writers’ Prize in the category of Best First Novel in South East Asia and the South Pacific this week.

Caroline Caddy’s latest collection of poetry, Esperance: new and selected poems, was shortlisted for the prestigious John Bray Poetry Prize worth $15,000 this week.