From the Hungerford award to an epic new novel, Madelaine Dickie chats to Holden Sheppard about writing, the Kimberley and Indigenous affairs on the Fremantle Press podcast

Madelaine Dickie’s gripping new novel Red Can Origami explores the tensions between a Japanese uranium mining company and a Native Title group in regional Western Australia.
In this episode of the Fremantle Press podcast, she explains how the Kimberley people and landscape inspired the story, why she chose to write it in the second person and the origin of the semi-dangerous game Swagmo.
Music: ‘Letter to a Daughter of St George’, from the Meat Lunch EP: Songs from Floaters. Written by Alan Fyfe. Performed by Trevor Bentley (guitar and vocals – @trevormb) and Chris Parkinson (harmonica). Produced by Blake Carnaby of Nuglife studios with impresario work by Benjamin P. Newton.
Podcast editor: Claire Miller
Mastered by: Aidan d’Adhemar