From hopping vampires to rice ball blasters, Shirley Marr chats to Rebecca Higgie about her new adventure for middle readers

Protagonist Mei Ling Pang is kicking her bad luck to the curb and Little Jiang creator Shirley Marr is showing readers how they can do the same.
Her fresh and funny take on an old Chinese legend has resulted in a fast-paced, page-turning adventure that will warm the cockles of even the coldest undead, unbeating heart. With children’s writer and fellow chai latte lover Rebecca Higgie at the helm, today’s podcast is a warm and delicious brew of writing wisdom. Did Shirley really get kicked out of a bookstore? And who are the Faux Four when they’re not cafe-dwelling, atom-smashing, snake-handling, masked, #AllDayFlatLay storytellers? Tune in to find out more about the importance of writing buddies, Chinese mythology, own-voice stories and keeping up appearances in your local bookstore.
Little Jiang by Shirley Marr with illustrations by Katy Jiang and The History of Mischief by Rebecca Higgie are available in all good bookstores and online.
Teaching notes for Little Jiang can be downloaded here.
Follow Shirley Marr on Instagram @ShirleyOnMarrs or connect with her on her website:
Follow Rebecca Higgie on Instagram @RebeccaHiggieAuthor and on Facebook and Twitter @RebeccaHiggie. Her website is
To explore the wonderful art of Katy Jiang follow her on Instagram @KatyJiangArt or check out her website:
Follow members of the Faux Four on Instagram @HM_Waugh, @CristyBurne and @NadiaLKing
Music: ‘Letter to a Daughter of St George’, from The Meat Lunch EP: Songs from Floaters. Written by Alan Fyfe. Performed by Trevor Bentley (guitar and vocals – @trevormb) and Chris Parkinson (harmonica). Produced by Blake Carnaby of Nuglife studios with impresario work by Benjamin P. Newton.
Producer: Claire Miller
Mastered and edited by: Aidan d’Adhemar
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