First Letter of Surname: b
Bronwyn Bancroft
Bronwyn Bancroft is a descendant of the Bunjalung people of New South Wales, and she grew up in the small country town of Tenterfield. As an artist with an international reputation, her work is represented in galleries throughout Australia and the world. Bronwyn enjoys illustrating as it allows for the wider distribution of Indigenous stories […]
Full profileJen Banyard
Jen Banyard is best known for her tales for middle readers that blend adventure and mystery with lots of laughs, in particular her Riddle Gully series and her earlier novel Spider Lies. The Australian Book Review described her style as ‘smart, funny and insightful’. Her novels have been shortlisted for young readers’ awards and serialised in the West Australian. Jen, who […]
Full profileBron Bateman
Bron Bateman is a poet, academic and mother of nine. She is a researcher in Crip and Disability Studies at the University of Newcastle and her research interests include Crip and Disability Studies, Queer and Gender Theory, cultural studies, creative writing, Feminisms, and the body. Her first poetry collection, People from bones (with Kelly Pilgrim) […]
Full profileKim Beazley Jnr
Kim Beazley Junior has had a distinguished career as a politician and an academic. He was leader of the Australian Labor Party from 1996 to 2001, then from 2005 to 2006. He was a minister in the government of Bob Hawke from 1983 to 1991 and was deputy prime minister to Paul Keating between 1991 […]
Full profileKim E. Beazley, AO (d.2007)
Kim Edward Beazley, AO, was born in 1917 and died in 2007. He was the minister for Education in the government of Gough Whitlam and a Labor member for Fremantle in the Australian House of Representatives for 32 years from 1945 to 1977.
Full profileK.A. Bedford
K.A. Bedford is the author of Orbital Burn, Eclipse, Hydrogen Steel, Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait and Paradox Resolution. He has twice won the Aurealis Award for Best Australian Science Fiction Novel, been shortlisted for the Philip K. Dick Award, and in 2013 his novel Paradox Resolution was joint winner of the Tin Duck Award for […]
Full profileA.J. Betts
A.J. Betts is a Fremantle-based author of five novels for young adults. She is also a columnist, teacher, speaker and cyclist. Her first novel for teenagers, Shutterspeed, was published by Fremantle Press in 2008 and was followed by Wavelength in 2010. Her third novel, Zac & Mia, won the 2012 Text Prize and was subsequently […]
Full profileHenry Bowers (b.1883 d.1912)
Henry Robertson Bowers, known as Birdie, was born in 1883 in Scotland. His father was a master mariner and, at age 16, Henry became a midshipman for the merchant navy. In 1905 he joined the Royal Indian Marine, where in 1909 he made the rank of sub-lieutenant. He was a part of Scott’s British Antarctic […]
Full profileAnnie Boyd
Annie Boyd spent her childhood in Perth and returned to Western Australia in her 30s where her interest in marine life turned to shipwrecks and maritime history. A chance mention of Koombana at a maritime archaeology meeting sparked her interest in this still-unsolved mystery. An experienced and adventurous diver, Annie has spent months camping along the […]
Full profileJack Bradshaw
Jack Bradshaw is a retired forester from the south-west of Western Australia. He worked for the Department of Conservation and Land Management and its predecessor, the Forests Department of Western Australia, before becoming a consultant in native forest management and silviculture. Jack has travelled extensively in Australia with his wife, Sue, over a number of […]
Full profileKaisa Breeden
Kaisa Breeden is a third-generation artist who is captivated by the mastery of digital photography and fine-art printing. Since convincing her husband Stan to go digital, the pair have specialised in macro nature photography using natural light.
Full profileStanley Breeden
Stanley Breeden began photography as a teenager in the late 1950s. He has published books on Australian and Indian wildlife and has contributed to most major English-language nature magazines. Stan has been the recipient of two Emmy Awards for his work as a documentary maker with National Geographic.
Full profileSally Breen
Sally Breen lives on Queensland’s Gold Coast. Her work has appeared widely in national and international journals and anthologies such as Asia Literary Review, Meanjin, Open Road Review, The Age, The Best Australian Stories, Review of Australian Fiction, The Guardian UK, Verandah, Overland, The Australian, Hemingway Shorts and Griffith Review. She is a regular contributor […]
Full profileLoreen Brehaut
Loreen Brehaut is a New Zealander who lived in Western Australia for eight years while her husband Bill was working for Woodside Energy Ltd. While there, she became active recording oral histories and was co-author of Florence Corrigan’s autobiography, Miles of Post and Wire, which was shortlisted for the 1999 Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards.
Full profileAnne Marie Brody
Anne Marie Brody’s curatorial career began in 1973 at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in the Department of Decorative Arts. In the late 1970s, her interests shifted to the arts of the southern hemisphere and she transferred to the NGV’s fledgling Tribal Art department. Supporting this new professional orientation with further study, in 1980 […]
Full profileHazel Brown (d.2021)
Hazel Brown (b. 1925, d. 2021) was born at Kendenup in the Great Southern. Her mother was Nellie (Sybil) Limestone who married one of the Wirlomin people, Fred (Yiller) Roberts in 1921. Fred (Yiller) died in 1930 and his brother, Wilfred Roberts (Tjinjel) married Sybil and reared up all the children. Hazel was the senior […]
Full profileNadine Browne
Nadine Browne was raised as a born-again Christian and wound up an agnostic studying theology at Monash University. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including Westerly and Antipodes. She has also been featured on ABC’s Conversations with Richard Fidler, and has appeared on The Moth (Los Angeles) and Porchlight (San Francisco). In her spare […]
Full profileMartin Brueckner
Martin is a social ecologist and co-director of the Centre for Responsible Citizenship and Sustainability in the School of Management and Governance at Murdoch University. His interests are in the area of sustainability management, focusing on social and environmental justice issues and the politics of sustainability. Martin has conducted research in the areas of sustainable communities, […]
Full profileEmily Brugman
Emily Brugman grew up surfing at Broulee, on the south coast of New South Wales. She currently lives in Mullumbimby, and works at Byron Writers Festival. She is a regular contributor to Tracks magazine, and her creative writing has appeared in Overland, Verity La, Tincture Journal and the UTS Writers’ Anthology. She is currently working on […]
Full profileMichael Buckingham Gray
Michael Buckingham Gray is a poet, writer and creative writing tutor. His poetry and prose have appeared in newspapers, magazines, and journals. Michael has won a ‘Distinctive Scribblings’ Award from Eucalypt and received Best Microfiction and Best Small Fiction nominations. He holds a Master of Creative Practice in Creative Writing from Curtin University.
Full profileStella Budrikis
Stella Budrikis was born in England but has lived in Western Australia for most of her life. She has worked as a general practitioner, pastoral carer, addictions clinic doctor and freelance writer. Stella is married with two grown-up daughters and enjoys researching family and social history.
Full profilePeter Burke
Peter Burke is a Perth doctor and writer of Western Australian historical fiction, his novels being enjoyed for their filmic quality and humour. Professionally, he divides his time between Murdoch University medical clinic and the hospitals of the Kimberley region of the North West. His first novel, The Drowning Dream, was shortlisted for both the […]
Full profileLouise Burlinson
Louise Burlinson is a writer who grew up in Sydney, before settling in Perth (with some adventures in England in between). Lost in daydreams of other worlds, she hopes to one day find a secret passage in her house. Until then, she composes poetry and writes short stories when not working on flash fictions or […]
Full profileCristy Burne
Cristy Burne grew up climbing trees, jumping drains, chasing cows and inventing stories. She has a passion for learning through doing and loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. Cristy is a children’s author and science writer with degrees in biotechnology and science communication. She has also worked as a science circus […]
Full profileFiona Burrows
Fiona Burrows is an author-illustrator from Perth, Western Australia. She is passionate about creativity, imagination and education, and loves to collect beautiful picture books. When she is not creating books for kids, she teaches writing, research and communication skills at the University of Western Australia.
Full profileMichael Burrows
Michael Burrows is an author, poet and screenwriter from Perth, named one of the Sydney Morning Herald’s Best Young Australian Novelists. His stories have been published in magazines such as Fudoki, Aurealis, Voiceworks, Litro, and many more, all over the world. His debut novel Where the Line Breaks, shortlisted for the Fogarty Literary Award 2019, was published by […]
Full profileAntonio Buti
Dr Antonio Buti was educated at the University of Western Australia, Australian National University, Oxford University and Yale Law School. Prior to his election as Member for Armadale in the Western Australian Parliament in 2010, he lectured in law at the University of Western Australia (where he retains an honorary position). He has written books, […]
Full profileLiz Byrski
Liz Byrski is the author of 10 novels, including A Month of Sundays and The Woman Next Door. She has also written 12 non-fiction titles including In Love and War: Nursing Heroes, Getting On: Some Thoughts on Women and Ageing and Remember Me. Liz is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Curtin University, and has worked as […]
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