Longlist announcement: City of Fremantle Hungerford Award 2022

Eleven Western Australian writers are longlisted and in the running for the City of Fremantle Hungerford Award.
Judged anonymously, the City of Fremantle Hungerford Award is a biennial prize awarded to an unpublished manuscript by a Western Australian author for a work of fiction, narrative non-fiction or young adult fiction. The winner receives a cash prize of $15,000 and a publishing contract with Fremantle Press.
The longlist was selected by a panel of judges comprised of Natasha Lester, Richard Rossiter and Rashida Murphy, along with Fremantle Press publishers Cate Sutherland and Georgia Richter. Speaking on behalf of the panel, Georgia Richter said she was impressed by the number of entries and the quality of the writing. She said, ‘We received 90 book-length manuscripts, which I think is an extraordinary number given the award is exclusively open to Western Australian writers. Normally we don’t mention who made the longlist, but this year we felt strongly that the writers who made it onto that list deserve recognition.’
The longlist includes two short story collections, a young adult novel, two works of narrative non-fiction and a diverse range of fiction from crime novels to historical fiction, contemporary and literary.
The 2022 City of Fremantle Hungerford Award longlist is:
Future Perfect, and Other Worldly Tenses by Matthew Chrulew
Dark Seeds by Narelle Hill
The Crimson Thread by Rachael Keene
Islands of Secrets by Stefanie Koens
The Slow Patience of the Sea by Joy Kilian-Essert
Tell Me the Story by Gerard McCann
The Carrington Effect by Shannon Meyerkort
Salt River Road by Molly Schmidt
The Plover’s Nest by Christine Talbot
Treehearts by Annie Wilson
The 2022 City of Fremantle Hungerford Award shortlist will be announced on the Fremantle Press website in a fortnight, with the winner announced on Thursday 20 October 2022.