We’ve all got our own special talent that makes us unique and in Wombat Can’t Sing by Katie Stewart, Wombat learns his in this heart-warming tale about learning your limits and finding your strengths. This activity sheet is designed to get kids thinking about what skills are unique to those around us and how these […]

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'Wombat Can't Sing Activity'

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A change in the weather may be here but you can keep the summer holiday adventures alive with Cristy Burne’s activity booklet. Inspired by her book To the Lighthouse, an adventure packed story about friends Isaac and Emmy exploring Rottnest Island, Cristy has put together a host of activities for kids to do, either by […]

Noongar Boodja Waangkan: Noongar First Words by Wadjak Balardong Noongar and Badimaya Yamatji author Jayden Boundry, and Wardandi Noongar and Ait Koedhal illustrator Tyrown Waigana, is an illustrated book of first Noongar words. Created for those interested in learning about the vibrant, living First Nations language and culture of the Noongar people. The book covers words for family, […]

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'Noongar Boodja Waangkan posters'

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Noongar Boodja Waangkan: Noongar First Words by Wadjak Balardong Noongar and Badimaya Yamatji author Jayden Boundry, and Wardandi Noongar and Ait Koedhal illustrator Tyrown Waigana, is an illustrated book of first Noongar words. Created for those interested in learning about the vibrant, living First Nations language and culture of the Noongar people. The book covers words for family, […]

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'Noongar Boodja Waangkan Stickers'

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In Helen Milroy’s newest picture book, Owl loves the sparkle of the stars and sits on his tree at dusk waiting for them to appear. But Owl becomes worried one evening when his favourite, Little Star, doesn’t show herself. So Owl searches far and wide using all his strength to bring her back. This free […]

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'Help Owl and Little Star Sparkle'

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From the wacky and wonderful world of Cristy Burne, ‘Beneath the Trees‘ is a wilderness adventure story like no other. In this activity, kids can join Cam and Sophie on their quest for survival in Eungella National Park in Queensland. Cristy’s make your own mega-leech and paper bag platypus are sure to get the stories […]

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'Beneath The Trees Activity Sheet'

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Kyle Hughes-Odgers captures children’s attention and gets their imagination racing in his new board book, Everything You Want to See. Spark kids creativity by asking them what they imagine an alien or monster looking like and getting them to create their own in these fun activity sheets.

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'Create your own alien'

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The Light series by Dianne Wolfer and illustrated by Brian Simmonds includes The Last Light Horse, In the Lamplight, Light Horse Boy and Lighthouse Girl. These four books each look at some of the historical figures who played a part in World War I and are suitable for children to read as they learn about […]

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'The Light series activity sheets'

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In Lion Is That You? author and illustrator Moira Court takes us on a journey through the Australian bush, searching for lions. This wildflower poster is designed to help children complete the activity sheet identifying the wildflowers in the Australian bush before they let their creativity go wild and colouring them in. For more teaching […]

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'Native Wildflowers Poster'

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In The Last Light Horse we meet Sandy, one of the 136,000 horses that was sent to fight during the First World War, and the only horse that came home. Learn about Sandy and his experiences in this activity sheet designed to test children’s research skills. For more teaching activities, download the free teaching notes […]

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'The Last Light Horse Activity'

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Lion Is That You? is a picture book that takes kids on adventure through the Australian bush to search for lions that are rumoured to have been left behind by a travelling circus. This Feline Fun activity sheet is designed for kids to identify the native and invasive species living in Australia. For more teaching […]

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'Lion Is That You? Activity'

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Written by Kathryn Lefroy, Alex and the Alpacas Save the World, has it all a magical prophecy, talking alpacas and evil spirits. Alex must use all her brains, brawn and bravery in order to survive and save her family and friends. The Create Your Own Prophecy Maker activity sheet is a fun way to predict […]

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'Alex and the Alpacas Activity'

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Chickensaurus is the fourth children’s graphic novel in the S.Tinker Inc. series. The series follows Sally Tinker and her brother as they navigate through all of Sally’s inventions. The Escape the Hedge Maze activity sheet is a great resource for improving cognitive skills, sharpening their memory, building focus and boosts their problem solving skills. For […]

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'Chickensaurus Maze Activity'

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Backyard Birds by Helen Milroy is a children’s picture book which celebrates the birds in our backyards. The Backyard Birds activity sheet is designed to creatively improve identification skills, fine motor skills and visual and written literacy. For more teaching activities, download the free teaching notes here.

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'Backyard Birds'

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Shine is a picture book about the love between a parent and a child, celebrating the beauty and joy of everyday family life, through mess and chaos and daily routines. Illustrator Ruth de Vos and author Danny Parker are both extremely family orientated, and they created this book to highlight love and joy. This activity […]

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'Shine Activity'

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In Beneath the Trees, Cam and Sophie are on an adventure to see a platypus in the wild. But what is a platypus? Author Cristy Burne is passionate about learning through doing and loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. This activity sheet incorporates biological science, English and visual art using research, […]

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'Beneath the Trees Activity'

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At the fan convention, Maisie can’t wait to meet her favourite character – an amputee superhero! But being a queer, disabled teenager with chronic pain comes with challenges. Can Maisie make it through the day without falling over or falling in love? Author Jessica Walton and illustrator Aśka created Stars in Their Eyes to represent […]

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'Stars in their Eyes Activity'

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Where Do The Stars Go? is a children’s picture book about Possum who asks his friends where the stars go during the day. Katie Stewart wanted this book to stimulate curiosity and imaginative thinking while highlighting Australian flora and fauna. This activity is designed to encourage critical thinking, research skills, creativity, and written and visual […]

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'Where do the stars go? Activity'

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Goldfields Girl by Elaine Forrestal is a fictional account of the coming of age of fourteen-year-old Clara Saunders, a pioneer woman on the Coolgardie Goldfields in the 1890s. Elaine Forrestal wrote this book for children to learn about the history of the Western Australian gold rush from a younger person’s perspective. The Gold Search activity […]

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'Goldfields Girl Activity'

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Let’s Count Wildflowers by Tracey Gibbs is a counting board book that travels from one to ten, dawn to dusk and from Australia’s West to East, celebrating amazing native flora. The Let’s Count Wildflowers activity sheet is designed to creatively improve identification skills, fine motor skills and visual literacy.  For more teaching activities, download the […]

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'Let's Count Wildflowers Activity'

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Little Jiang is a children’s fiction novel inspired by Chinese folklore. Shirley Marr wrote this book to teach Chinese mythology and folklore and to encourage children to learn about other cultures. The Design Your Own Menu activity sheet encourages children to foster imagination, creativity and improve written and visual literacy. For more teaching activities, download […]

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'Little Jiang Activity'

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When bricks start to go missing from the town of Littlelight, the mayor whips his citizens into a frenzy of aggravation. But when the townspeople find the thief, and her motive, they discover perhaps it is the mayor who is the problem. Kelly Canby’s picture book Littlelight is a thought-provoking tale of tolerance, diversity and […]

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'Littlelight Activity Sheet'

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What Colour Is the Sea? is about Koala, a curious creature who wants to know what colour the sea is. But all Koala’s friends give her different answers, and she doesn’t know who to believe, so Koala sets off for the sea, only to discover that all her friends are right – the sea is […]

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'What Colour is the Sea? Activity'

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Backyard Bugs is a boldly illustrated book from First Nations author and illustrator Helen Milroy, which takes you on an adventure through the garden, to search for all the creepy-crawlies that you may find there. Identify the bugs and colour them in this activity sheet that will get kids out in their backyards. Colouring-in activity […]

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'Backyard Bugs Activity'

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