Tick or sticker each bedtime activity in this practical calendar as your child does their evening routine. Or use our colouring sheets to get little ones imagining their dream pyjamas and making their very own door hanger. You can download the activity sheets here and here, and for more teaching activities, download the free teaching […]

Activity Sheet
'Say Goodnight Activity Sheet 1'

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How did the Bigfoots and the Yetis become mortal enemies? In this activity, students will create their own comic about what they think happened before the events in James Foley’s new book Bigfoot vs Yeti. Other teaching activities for Bigfoot vs Yeti include: You can download the activity sheet here, and for more teaching activities, […]

Activity Sheet
'Make a comic with James Foley'

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This book trailer was created for Fremantle Press by students at Curtin University.

Follow Robin Miller’s journey as she pursues her dream of being a flying nurse. In this fun crossword, students will visit pivotal moments in Robin’s life and some of the places she flew to across Western Australia – and beyond! Complement the activity with our teaching resources, and encourage students to: You can download the […]

Activity Sheet
'Soaring with the Sugarbird Lady Activity Sheet'

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Goldfields Girl by Elaine Forrestal is a historical novel for middle readers featuring real-life nineteenth-century teenager Clara Saunders. In this blog post, Elaine takes us into the exciting, dusty, fly-ridden world of a gold rush.

The Two-Hearted Numbat, Crow and the Waterhole, and Caterpillar and Butterfly are three First Nations picture book classics by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina. These three picture books are now out in new, small hardback editions – a perfect collection for the classroom bookshelf. All three books also come with free teaching notes. Activities include: […]

Activity Sheet
'Caterpillar and Butterfly Activity Sheet'

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In this adorable activity, based on Helen Milroy’s latest picture book Bush Bubs, students can colour in Australian baby animals, then work on their comprehension by matching the name to the image. Other fun learning activities include: You can download the activity sheet here and, for more teaching activities, download the free teaching notes here.

Activity Sheet
'Bush Bubs Teaching Activity'

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Life looked a little different during the 1892 gold rush, especially when you compare it to life today! Using this comprehensive crossword and some of Clara’s experiences in the novel, students can expand their knowledge about the goldfields and the gold rush era. After the crossword, why not try some of these other critical and […]

Activity Sheet
'Goldfields Girl 2025 Teaching Activity'

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Meet new friends with little Boab in The Boab Tree. This free video features Helen Milroy, author and illustrator of The Boab Tree, reading a story of friendship, resilience, and the Stolen Generation. Little Boab is lost and far, far from home. Surrounded by tall, unfriendly trees, he feels all alone. But the friendship of […]

Chenée’s love of words is rivalled only by her love of dance. Combining the two, Breaking Pointe is her second novel. In this video, author Chenée Marrapodi walks us through the latest instalment in the ballerina series. Teaching activities and teaching notes are also available.

Year 6 student Julian Henningsgaard won the Phillip Pendal Young Heritage Award for his essay Words From the Past, which shares the serendipitous connection between T.A.G. Hungerford and the MillPoint Caffé Bookshop. We are delighted to publish the essay for you to enjoy, too.

Get the classroom thinking creatively, and help Quokka find a friend, with this free teaching activity. Working together or solo, kids can brainstorm the animals that a quokka would encounter on the beach and draw a friend for them.

Activity Sheet
'Draw a Friend for Quokka'

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Using the illustrations of bush animals, get the classroom colouring in and writing the Noongar word for each animal in the blank space. Each of the animals can be found in the dual-language Noongar and English picture book, Djinang Bonar: Seeing Seasons by Ebony Froome and Leanne Zilm.

Activity Sheet
'What animals can we see in the bush?'

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Say Hello to storytime, and teach the kids the fun of rhyme! This free video features Renae Hayward, author of Say Hello, who brings the joy of reading aloud to the screen. Say Hello can be read, sung or acted out and features simple, high-contrast illustrations with many recognisable words. Plus, there are lots of chances for babies to […]

Enjoy a read-a-long with author Helen Milroy as she shares her latest picture book Bush Bugs. Hairy bugs, scary bugs, big or small. Let’s see if you can name them all!

In activity one, ask your students to draw the elements of a stage. Working together or solo, have them plan a dance, making sure it has all the elements to wow an audience. Activity two teaches dance vocabulary using a crossword puzzle. Further discussion questions for Breaking Pointe include: You can download the activity sheets here and, for more […]

Activity Sheet
'Set The Stage/Dance Challenge'

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Mark Greenwood shares mysterious true Australian stories in his junior fiction series, beginning with The Dragon’s Treasure and The Vanishing. In the teaching activity for The Dragon’s Treasure, budding reporters share the story of discovering treasure on a remote West Australian beach, using the newspaper template for the Pirate Times. For The Vanishing, kids create their own comic strip: drawing the moment […]

Activity Sheet
'Create A Comic/Dig Up A Story'

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In A Leaf Called Greaf, Greaf changes with the seasons, and so does Bear. As Greaf leaves him, Bear feels a lightness and warmth that he had almost forgotten. Greaf has gone, but Bear knows its memory will hold a special place in his heart forever. In this activity, we ask children to draw their […]

Activity Sheet
'What Does Your Emotion Look Like?'

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In 1989, Mecak Ajang Alaak led the Lost Boys on a four-year journey from Ethiopia to Kenya to protect them from becoming child soldiers. To understand these countries better, create a country profile for each of the following four countries: South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. This activity gives kids the opportunity to learn practical […]

Activity Sheet
'Create A Profile For These African Countries'

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What do good illustrators and authors do when they sit down to write a book? Sally Tinker, the leading character of Brobot: now available in colour, ponders this question with her author and creator James Foley. James’s new edition of Brobot: now available in colour is available in all good bookshops and online. Gastronauts: now available in colour is due for release […]

Djinang Bonar: Seeing Seasons by Ebony Froome and Leanne Zilm takes readers through the six Noongar seasons and is a wonderful way to learn some Noongar language. Listen to Ebony read the story in Noongar.

In Into the Blue, what starts as a fun snorkelling adventure quickly becomes a test of character and conscience when Blair loses his brother’s beloved GoPro in the sea. On this map of the Omeo wreck on Coogee Beach, draw and label the plants, animals, lost objects, trash and treasure you might see on an old […]

Activity Sheet
'Ship to Shore'

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In Kelpie Chaos, a kelpie puppy is about to be sent to the pound and Eli knows he has to do something to save him. After adopting the flame-chested kelpie, now named Zoom, the family falls in love, but they soon learn there’s a lot to remember when raising a working dog. In this activity, kids are […]

Activity Sheet
'Draw A Dog You Know with Deb Fitzpatrick'

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Sister Bullwinkel was a WWII hero who tended to patients in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in Indonesia. Find the right illnesses to diagnose the WWII patient like Vivien Bullwinkel does in Courage Be My Friend. We’ve collated some common diseases she may have encountered. Use the internet to come up with your best […]

Activity Sheet
'Diagnose the WWII illness'

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