Say Hooray for another storytime! This free video with author Renae Hayward celebrates the developmental milestones that are so special and important in a new baby’s life.  This fantastic, colourful read-aloud has been designed to captivate babies and celebrate their every move. We know from research that the more senses you engage while reading to […]

It’s almost time to go to sleep, but we hope you can stay up a little while longer to listen to Say Goodnight with Renae Hayward. Exploring all the things babies love to do as they get ready for bed — from bedtime stories to massages from mum — the simple, high-contrast illustrations feature many […]

Fill your classroom with love with these adorable character cards, featuring beloved and familiar faces from Alex and the Alpacas Save the World by Kathryn Lefroy, Soaring with the Sugarbird Lady by Dianne Wolfer, One Wrong Turn by Chenée Marrapodi, The Vexatious Haunting of Lily Griffin by Paula Hayes and Into the Blue by Cristy […]

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'Bookentine Cards for the Classroom'

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Goldfields Girl by Elaine Forrestal is a historical novel for middle readers featuring real-life nineteenth-century teenager Clara Saunders. In this blog post, Elaine takes us into the exciting, dusty, fly-ridden world of a gold rush.

Meet new friends with little Boab in The Boab Tree. This free video features Helen Milroy, author and illustrator of The Boab Tree, reading a story of friendship, resilience, and the Stolen Generation. Little Boab is lost and far, far from home. Surrounded by tall, unfriendly trees, he feels all alone. But the friendship of […]

Chenée’s love of words is rivalled only by her love of dance. Combining the two, Breaking Pointe is her second novel. In this video, author Chenée Marrapodi walks us through the latest instalment in the ballerina series. Teaching activities and teaching notes are also available.

Say Hello to storytime, and teach the kids the fun of rhyme! This free video features Renae Hayward, author of Say Hello, who brings the joy of reading aloud to the screen. Say Hello can be read, sung or acted out and features simple, high-contrast illustrations with many recognisable words. Plus, there are lots of chances for babies to […]

In activity one, ask your students to draw the elements of a stage. Working together or solo, have them plan a dance, making sure it has all the elements to wow an audience. Activity two teaches dance vocabulary using a crossword puzzle. Further discussion questions for Breaking Pointe include: You can download the activity sheets here and, for more […]

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'Set The Stage/Dance Challenge'

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Mark Greenwood shares mysterious true Australian stories in his junior fiction series, beginning with The Dragon’s Treasure and The Vanishing. In the teaching activity for The Dragon’s Treasure, budding reporters share the story of discovering treasure on a remote West Australian beach, using the newspaper template for the Pirate Times. For The Vanishing, kids create their own comic strip: drawing the moment […]

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'Create A Comic/Dig Up A Story'

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In A Leaf Called Greaf, Greaf changes with the seasons, and so does Bear. As Greaf leaves him, Bear feels a lightness and warmth that he had almost forgotten. Greaf has gone, but Bear knows its memory will hold a special place in his heart forever. In this activity, we ask children to draw their […]

Activity Sheet
'What Does Your Emotion Look Like?'

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In 1989, Mecak Ajang Alaak led the Lost Boys on a four-year journey from Ethiopia to Kenya to protect them from becoming child soldiers. To understand these countries better, create a country profile for each of the following four countries: South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. This activity gives kids the opportunity to learn practical […]

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'Create A Profile For These African Countries'

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What do good illustrators and authors do when they sit down to write a book? Sally Tinker, the leading character of Brobot: now available in colour, ponders this question with her author and creator James Foley. James’s new edition of Brobot: now available in colour is available in all good bookshops and online. Gastronauts: now available in colour is due for release […]

In this episode, we are tuning in to listen to children’s author James Foley speak with his lead character, Sally Tinker, about how the big ideas come to be and where you can find them. James’s new edition of Brobot: now available in colour is available in all good bookshops and online. Gastronauts: now available in colour is due […]

Sister Bullwinkel was a WWII hero who tended to patients in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in Indonesia. Find the right illnesses to diagnose the WWII patient like Vivien Bullwinkel does in Courage Be My Friend. We’ve collated some common diseases she may have encountered. Use the internet to come up with your best […]

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'Diagnose the WWII illness'

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Brobot is the first children’s graphic novel in the Sally Tinker series. The series follows Sally Tinker and her brother as they navigate through all of Sally’s inventions. The Design Your Own Robot activity sheet is a great resource to spark creative and logical thinking and to encourage attention to detail. For more teaching activities, download […]

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'Design your own robot'

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Gastronauts is a children’s graphic novel in the Sally Tinker series. The series follows Sally Tinker and her brother as they navigate through all of Sally’s inventions. The Inside The Human Body activity sheet is a great resource for written literacy, identification skills and biological science. For more teaching activities, download the free teaching notes here.

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'Inside the human body with James Foley'

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Ever wondered what makes an idea good or bad? Sally Tinker, the world’s foremost inventor under the age of twelve, asks author and illustrator James Foley just what is the big idea?

Cristy Burne  Remember the first time you spotted a fish swimming in the ocean? Or the fun of jumping waves? Or that full-body shiver as you plunge into the chilly, salty sea? A child’s emotional connection to nature is a vital and revitalising superpower – and I want to grow it whenever I can.  Our […]

Find the Wongutha Words in this crossword and unlock the tales of the Wongutha people. From Indigenous traditional teaching stories of the Wongutha people, to stories based on the author’s childhood at Mount Margaret Mission, Wongutha Tales is a unique collection bringing together May L. O’Brien’s beautiful stories for the first time. This activity sheet is an […]

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'Wongutha Words'

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This fun-filled colouring activity for Helen Milroy’s picture book Bush Bugs is a great way to inspire kids to get outdoors and get familiar with insects. Milroy’s latest instalment of her bestselling First Nations Bush series features Australian bugs in all their hairy, scary glory! With boldly coloured, highly patterned illustrations, Bush Bugs is sure to delight early readers […]

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'Where's My Bug?'

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Dive deep into these activities that will keep the children busy with the underwater chaos of Dianne Wolfer and Karen Blair’s classic. Granny Grommet and Me is about the power of our elders to transform scary experiences into exciting ones. Featuring fun and fearless surfing grannies, this picture book will help the whole family nurture a […]

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'Colour In The Sea Creatures'

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In When I Can Fly by Katie Stewart, Little Boobook is obsessed by the idea of moving to the city and sets off as soon as he can fly. The city, however, is not what he imagined at all. In this free and fun activity, children are asked to colour in Katie’s images and then […]

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'Colouring-in activity for When I Can Fly'

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From the bestselling Indigenous author and illustrator Helen Milroy comes Crow Baby, a new adventure about a girl with an incredible gift. Crow Baby was born with two spirits – one crow and one human – and in the story she has to use both spirits to save her community. If you had special bird […]

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'Which Bird Are You? Crow Baby Activity Sheet'

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To celebrate the release of Chenée Marrapodi‘s debut novel, One Wrong Turn, one lucky person will get the chance to win a copy of the book and a double pass to WA Ballet’s performance of The Nutcracker by showing off their best dance moves.

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'One Wrong Turn bookcover'

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