On 6 March, don’t miss your chance to hear from Luke Kerridge in a special event about the journey behind House at Belmont Library.

I Am the Mau and other stories by acclaimed debut author Chemutai Glasheen is one of five Australian books on The White Ravens: A Selection of International Children’s and Youth Literature books for 2024. Selected by the International Youth Library‘s children’s literature experts, they represent literary and pictorial excellence with a particular focus on books […]

Sienna Rose Scully is the youngest of four children. She is an Integrated Marketing Communications graduate who grew up in Noongar Whadjuk Boodja (Fremantle), Western Australia. Sienna has dealt with OCD since childhood and is passionate about bringing awareness to what this disorder entails and to help other OCD sufferers. She is a contributor to […]


Anchors Away at Queenscliffe Literary Festival with editor of Avast! Michael Earp

   October 27, 2024
   Thirroul District Community Centre & Library

Get down to the Queenscliffe Literary Festival and visit Fremantle Press author and editor of Avast! Pirate Stories From Transgender Authors, Michael Earp.

In 1989, Mecak Ajang Alaak led the Lost Boys on a four-year journey from Ethiopia to Kenya to protect them from becoming child soldiers. To understand these countries better, create a country profile for each of the following four countries: South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya. This activity gives kids the opportunity to learn practical […]

Activity Sheet
'Create A Profile For These African Countries'

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Tell us about Avast! What’s unique about it? Avast! is the first anthology of its kind to be traditionally published in this country! It’s fiction entirely written by transgender authors, each exploring the prompt of pirates. Why pirates? Why not?! When we were offered the chance to choose a theme ourselves, we wanted something playful but […]

Children’s publisher Cate Sutherland says, ‘When we first shortlisted Father of the Lost Boys for the City of Fremantle Hungerford Award, we didn’t know then what we know now – that the book would be embraced by readers and that working with Yuot would be such a delight. Both are great reasons for us to […]

Published in association with THEATRE 180, Courage Be My Friend by Jenny Davis OAM is the story of Sister Vivian Bullwinkel, who was the only survivor of the Bangka Island Massacre during World War II. Vivian’s selfless efforts to support her fellow prisoners of war in a Japanese camp garnered her many medals and saw her go on to […]

Nedingar: Ancestors by Isobel Bevis and Leanne Zilm, I Am the Mau and other stories by Chemutai Glasheen and Timeless by Kelly Canby have been named Notable books by the Children’s Book Council of Australia. Fremantle Press children’s publisher Cate Sutherland said she was extremely proud of her list and excited to see diverse debut […]

The American Library Association’s Rainbow Round Table and Young Adult Library Services Associations have announced more love for the US edition of Stars in Their Eyes by Jessica Walton and Aśka.

This book was edited and published on stolen Whadjuk Noongar Boodja. Genocide, land theft, systematic racism and ongoing colonisation have erased and repressed much of the gender and sexual diversity amongst First Nations people. We acknowledge and pay our respects to the traditional owners of this land. Sovereignty was never ceded. This always was, and […]

Screen Australia and Stan have announced Invisible Boys is one of three new Stan Original series commissioned for production. Based on the book by multi-award-winning Fremantle Press author Holden Sheppard, Invisible Boys will be a ten-episode contemporary drama series set in the regional town of Geraldton, Western Australia. Spoiler alert!  ‘In a small town everyone […]

Chemutai Glasheen is a teacher and a sessional academic at Curtin University. She writes fiction for young people and her work is influenced by her upbringing in Africa and the duality of growing up between two different cultures. In this piece Chemutai shares the behind-the-scenes of her first book I am the Mau and Other […]

Stars in Their Eyes creators Aśka and Jessica Walton, and Stellarphant creator James Foley are over the moon about their latest news. All three celebrated their books making it onto the Children’s Book Council of Australia Notable Book list. Plus, all three are thrilled to announce American publications. Stellarphant will be published in the USA […]

Based on the award-winning book by novelist Holden Sheppard, Stan and Screenwest have announced that the television series Invisible Boys is the successful recipient of their joint development initiative. Sheppard said it was a dream come true to hear the project now had the financial backing of both organisations, and he was heartened by their […]

It’s 17 years since Dianne Wolfer and Brian Harrison-Lever’s award-winning and acclaimed picture book for older readers was released. And it’s 80 years since the Kokoda Track battles it depicts took place. Published on 30 July 2005 and set in 1942, Photographs in the Mud is told from the point of view of two soldiers, […]

Three Fremantle Press titles are in the running for major awards and another has been highly commended, plus the life’s work of a Fremantle Press writer has been remembered and recognised. Stellarphant is shortlisted for the 2022 Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Picture Book of the Year and the 2021 Aurealis Award for Best Children’s […]

nlimited Futures: Visionary, Speculative Blak and Black Fiction is now available and we’re over the moon for all the contributors, editors, designers and publishers involved. A week past the release, we asked editors Rafeif Ismail and Ellen van Neerven to reflect on the journey thus far.

At the fan convention, Maisie can’t wait to meet her favourite character – an amputee superhero! But being a queer, disabled teenager with chronic pain comes with challenges. Can Maisie make it through the day without falling over or falling in love? Author Jessica Walton and illustrator Aśka created Stars in Their Eyes to represent […]

Activity Sheet
'Stars in their Eyes Activity'

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Drawn Onward is a picture book about perspective and differentiates between optimism and pessimism. Created by Meg McKinlay and Andrew Frazer, this book is a call to hope that cleverly illustrates how the very same situation can be viewed quite differently depending on your perspective. The Turn Hopelessness into Hope activity sheet motivates readers to […]

Activity Sheet
'Drawn Onward Activity'

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I believe comics to be a medium with a potential to tell unique and complex stories, by taking the reader on a personal journey. Below are five of my (many) favourite books. I recommend these highly if you’d like to see the masters at work, want to understand what the graphic novel fuss is all […]

School holidays are almost upon us, and as your class activities start to wind down, keep your students engaged by getting your hands on our amazing classroom resources and activities. Email admin@fremantlepress.com.au to order yours while stocks last, or download and print your own using the picture links below. Primary school What Colour Is The […]

Hassan Al Nawwab was born in Iraq in 1960 and came to Australia in 2003 with his wife and children. He is a poet and journalist who has published three volumes of poetry and two plays in Arabic, and has received numerous awards for his poems.

Vociferate | 詠 is Western Australian writer Emily Sun’s debut poetry collection. Alice Pung has described the book as ‘polemical, personal and political’ – in it, Emily meditates upon a range of issues that have shaped her world. Emily was born in British colonial Hong Kong to stateless diasporic-Chinese parents, who are descendants of Chinese […]