Fremantle Press authors Jen Banyard and Deb Fitzpatrick have both been shortlisted for a 2016 West Australian Young Readers’ Book Award.



Congratulations to Alicia Lilly of Bannister Creek Primary School who has won a date with Meg McKinlay for her school in 2016.

Sally Morgan’s new book, Sister Heart, was shortlisted for a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award today. Poignantly written from the child’s perspective, Sister Heart tells the story of a young Aboriginal girl’s experience as part of the Stolen Generations.

WA kids say Viking creators are number one Norman Jorgensen and James Foley’s The Last Viking Returns has won the Hoffman Award, an award given to the highest ranked creators in the West Australian Young Readers’ Book Awards. This is the third win for Jorgensen and the second for Foley.

Caitlin Maling has won the Dorothy Hewett Flagship Fellowship for her forthcoming poetry collection Us Girls. The fellowship is awarded for poetry of outstanding quality, in memory of Dorothy Hewett – a poet also published by Fremantle Press.

We are thrilled that Paisiello Pictures in California have optioned the film rights to Liz Byrski’s In Love and War.

Peacock Visuals has created a book trailer for Can a skeleton have an x-ray? by Kyle Hughes-Odgers.

Fremantle Press extends its deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Ian Templeman, who passed away yesterday. Along with the late Terry Owen, Fremantle Press owes its existence to Ian’s vision for an independent publishing house that would provide greater publication opportunities for writers living and working in Western Australia.

Proceeds from the sale of Dust by Daniel ‘Matsu’ Craig will help raise money for a local pay-it-forward program in Fremantle. The book launch will take place at Hot Soup on Wednesday 11 November 2015.

Albany branch members of the War Widows’ Guild of Australia will join Melinda Tognini for the Denmark launch of Many Hearts, One Voice: The story of the War Widows’ Guild in Western Australia at Teahouse Books on Monday 16 November.

Melinda Tognini’s book Many Hearts, One Voice: The story of the War Widows’ Guild in Western Australia will be launched with help from the organisation that inspired it.

Kate McCaffrey has won her second Australian Family Therapists’ Award for Children’s Literature for her latest novel, Crashing Down.

Alan Carter’s success in Germany continues. Last week we were delighted to hear from our European publishing friends that Edition Nautilus had sold the pocketbook rights for Alan Carter’s Prime Cut to Droemer Knaur, one of Germany’s biggest publishers.

Perth-born musician and Before It Breaks author Dave Warner has been named a Western Australian State Living Treasure.


Vale Terry Owen

Fremantle Press extends its deepest sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Teresa (Terry) Owen, the founding manager of Fremantle Press, who died in Perth last week.

Do you love Perth as much as we do? Then you will love this free screensaver that showcases our beautiful city.


Vale Veronica Brady

Fremantle Press extends its deepest sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Veronica Brady, former Fremantle Press board member, who died in Perth last week at the age of 86.

Here are some of the pages that might interest you on the new Fremantle Press website. Email us via our contact page if this doesn’t cover what you’re looking for.

Peter Docker just happened to be visiting the Byron Bay Festival for a friend’s book launch when the 2015 Ned Kelly Awards were announced. The Sweet One author was genuinely surprised to find his own crime novel on the list.

Sydney-siders have just two more days to view the Rothschild Prayer Book at the National Library of Australia before it moves to Melbourne.

What difference does it make if the characters in young adult novels swear? From time to time, publishers are contacted by parents or schools who are concerned by the appearance in YA fiction of (to quote an editor of T. S. Eliot) words ending in ‘uck’ or ‘ugger’.

Host of Cover to Cover, Meri Fatin, describes the writing of In Love and War: Nursing Heroes by Liz Byrski as almost like a piece of plastic surgery in itself.

Popular children’s book The Last Viking will be read at the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, Washington, this November as part of a Nordic Stories series.

A Fortunate Life by A.B. Facey turned 35 on Anzac Day 2015. First published by Fremantle Press and now licensed to Penguin, the bestselling memoir has gone on to have a long and (need I say it?) ‘fortunate’ life. This week Whoa Flamingo purchased the option for this Aussie classic with a view to producing […]