Tag: Rights
The world premiere of Hellie Turner’s The Lighthouse Girl is set to take place in Albany, the birthplace of the much-loved Anzac story. Based on Dianne Wolfer’s acclaimed books, Lighthouse Girl and Light Horse Boy, the play will premiere at the Albany Entertainment Centre on 22 April before its Perth season at the State Theatre […]
A Fortunate Life by A.B. Facey turned 35 on Anzac Day 2015. First published by Fremantle Press and now licensed to Penguin, the bestselling memoir has gone on to have a long and (need I say it?) ‘fortunate’ life. This week Whoa Flamingo purchased the option for this Aussie classic with a view to producing […]
Life in publishing is never dull – especially when it’s your job to find new writers and new stories. But sometimes it’s the old, and not the new, that makes working in this industry exciting. That was the case when I had the privilege of viewing an incredibly precious example of illuminated art. The Rothschild […]
Over 120 people dragged themselves away from a Dockers home game to attend the launch of Bad Seed by Alan Carter at New Edition Bookshop this month. It was a great celebration for the third book in the Cato Kwong series and one which coincided with the launch of Alan’s Prime Cut in Germany. Published […]